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"The three academic members of the Search Committee for HKU’s next President were all returned by elections. They were selected by their own peers from three cognate Faculty groupings (Arts, Business & Economics, Education, Law and Social Sciences/ Architecture, Engineering and Science/ Dentistry and Medicine). Eligible academic members including female and male had had equal opportunities in running as candidates and participating as voters. The Chairman of the Search Committee is a lay member of the University Council appointed by the Council Chairman.

The appointment of an international headhunting agency for the VC search has undergone the due procedures of shortlisting from a number of companies and selection. It was a well-informed decision having taken into full consideration all relevant factors. The firm is tasked to source the best qualified candidates based on the selection criteria approved by the HKU Council."

For media enquiries, please contact Ms Trinni Choy, Assistant Director (Media), tel: (852) 2859 2606 / email:; or Ms Melanie Wan (Senior Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 / email:

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