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The Council of the University of Hong Kong announces that it has today (12 April 2024) accepted a Report from the Panel set up by resolutions passed on 9 October 2023 and 6 November 2023 to look into the matters and issues emanating from the complaint emails received under the “Whistle-blowing” Policy and Procedures. On the evidence available to the Panel, allegations made in the whistleblower emails regarding misconduct by the Vice-Chancellor were not substantiated.

The Council resolved that the Human Resource Policy Committee, the Finance Committee and other committees will review the findings in the Report and thereafter report to Council regarding measures taken and/or to take with a view to addressing and preventing recurrence of identified issues and enhancing governance in keeping with the University’s mission.

The Panel was chaired by the Hon. Jimmy Ng Wing-ka, Chairman of the University’s Audit Committee. Other panel members included two Council members, Dr. T. Brian Stevenson and Mr. Jason Chiu, and two non-Council members, Mr. Richard Khaw SC and Dr. David Sun Tak-kei.

The Panel was empowered to look into each of the matters and issues reported in/or emanating from the complaint emails, to investigate such matters and issues under the “Whistle-blowing” procedures of the University and to report to Council.

The Council wishes to express gratitude to the Panel’s Chairman and members for their dedication and diligence.

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