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  1. Following an extensive six-month investigation, the Panel set up by the Council of the University of Hong Kong has finalized its investigation report and concluded that all allegations made by the anonymous "whistle-blower(s)” were not substantiated. My name is finally cleared.
  2. The investigation's conclusion demonstrates beyond doubt that the series of anonymous reports and malicious allegations lacked any factual basis. It is evident that a prolonged effort was made to extract confidential information and internal communications from various departments of the University, with the sole purpose of distorting facts to mislead the public and to serve an unknown ulterior motive. The University's reform and development were then impeded.
  3. I have to point out that the individuals responsible for spreading these rumours have engaged in a severe campaign of slander against both myself and the university through anonymous emails. Such behaviour deserves strong condemnation. Universities must appropriately employ anonymous reporting systems for whistle-blowers, to respect and protect the rights of those implicated when the veracity of the allegations remains uncertain. This is necessary to prevent abuse of the system and to prevent the unhealthy trend of defamation and false accusations.
  4. I would also like to point out that, despite that the investigation report affirmed my innocence, the damage inflicted upon the University cannot be easily remedied. Colleagues now fear being involved in unfounded complaints, and such fear greatly hampers their daily work. Moreover, the University's development plans have suffered setbacks and, in some cases, have been put on hold. The global talent recruitment scheme has been hindered and top international scholars who had previously committed to joining HKU were deterred.
  5. Over the past six months, many colleagues have been implicated, significantly impacting their work and subjecting them to immense mental pressure. I feel deeply sad about the situation. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all colleagues for their unwavering dedication during this turbulent period, striving to maintain the University's operations. I also express my gratitude to those who have withstood various pressures and upheld the principles of conscience and justice. I extend my thanks to the members of the Council and the Panel who have maintained an impartial stance. Lastly, I extend my appreciation to all students, alumni, and friends who have shown their support for HKU.
  6. The development of the University of Hong Kong is of paramount importance to both the future of Hong Kong and our country's development. Unfortunately, this incident has tarnished the reputation of the University of Hong Kong in the global scene.
  7. I will strengthen the communications with the Council and lead the University management to implement the necessary reforms and continue to enhance efficiency.
  8. I sincerely hope that the University can swiftly get back on track, set aside prejudices, stay free from interference and restore a sense of tranquillity. Every colleague will be able to re-engage positively in his work, and that together we will recover the opportunities and time that have been wasted.
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