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Our People

Dean of Architecture; Chair Professor in Urban Planning and Development Economics
Professor Webster, Christopher John

Professor Chris Webster trained in urban planning, computer science, economics and economic geography and is a leading urban theorist and spatial economic modeller. He has published over 250 scholarly papers, book chapters and books on the idea of spontaneous urban order and is co-inventor of the prize-winning urban network analysis software sDNA. As the Dean, he is charged with giving intellectual leadership and academic vision in order to raise the teaching and research profile of the Faculty.

Dr Chao Ren
Associate Dean (Research)
Chao Ren is Associate Professor at the Division of Landscape Architecture and Programme Director of MSc(Sustainable Environmental Design). She supports the Faculty with grant applications, knowledge exchange and other research initiatives.
Dr Weifeng Li
Associate Dean (Research Postgraduate Studies)
Weifeng Li is Associate Professor at the Department of Urban Planning and Design and Programme Director of BA(Urban Studies). He oversees the Faculty’s RPg matters and chairs the Higher Architecture Degrees Committee.
Mr Mathew Pryor
Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning)
Mathew Pryor is Associate Professor (Teaching) at the Division of Landscape Architecture. As Associate Dean, he oversees all matters related to teaching and learning and curriculum development at the Faculty.
Dr Kristof Crolla
Associate Dean (Special Projects)
Kristof Crolla is Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, Director of BASc(Design+) and Building Simplexity Lab. He supports the Faculty’s strategic development plan with technology integration and innovative pedagogical projects.
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